Wheeler Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best

Telephone02 9971 8352



Primary OSHCare: Before and after school care and holiday programs at Wheeler Heights Public School

Welcome to Primary OSHCare!

Our compelling programs will empower your child to explore, navigate, experiment and engage in a diverse range of experiences before school, after school and during the school holidays. We focus on building knowledge, skills and behaviours that help prepare your child for a world yet to be imagined…

You can be confident that your child is in safe hands with our highly experienced and passionate educators. Whether your child attends Primary OSHCare daily or only occasionally, each visit is an exciting new adventure with fabulous food, awesome clubs, activities, mindfulness and so much more.

Join us during the school holidays

Primary OSHCare holiday programs are jam-packed with a huge variety of thrilling excursions, incursions and in-house activities. We offer the ultimate school holiday experience with ‘holiday must dos’ like rock climbing, cartooning, cultural workshops, movie days and zoo visits that will have your child grinning from ear to ear. You can be sure of your child’s safety, with Primary OSHCare’s 1:10 educator to child ratio on most excursions – more educators, more fun!

Enrolling with Primary OSHCare is easy. Head to our website to find out more or to book in today.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family at Primary OSHCare.

Enrol and book now

View our digital toolkit here for more information on WHOSHC