Wheeler Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best

Telephone02 9971 8352


Uniform Shop

P&C Uniform Shop 

Open: Fridays 8.30 am - 9.30 am

Contact : uniform@whps-pandc.org

The uniform shop is run by the P&C with parent volunteers working hard to enable us to supply uniforms at a reasonable price without the overheads of a shop. All profits go back to your children through purchasing equipment and funding specialist teachers.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help our with the Uniform Shop, if you are able to help please email uniform@whps-pandc.org

Orders can be placed on line via the FlexiSchools system before 4:30pm Thursday for delivery to your child's classroom on Friday.

Ordering Online using Flexischools

Uniform FAQ (pdf 204 KB)