Wheeler Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best

Telephone02 9971 8352




Contact Email: canteen@whps-pandc.org

The canteen is open Monday to Friday from 9am until 2:00pm. It provides a variety of healthy foods for morning tea as well as hot and cold food for lunch. The menu is set in accordance with the NSW School Canteens Healthy Eating Strategy. For more information, please click here

The canteen is managed by the P&C and is staffed by the fabulous Melissa, Jacqui & Nicole who organise a dedicated group of volunteers, with all proceeds benefiting the school and the students directly.


Our canteen relies on the generosity of parents and carers who volunteer each week to help make sandwiches, prepare hot food and serve at the counter for recess and lunch. As a volunteer you will meet new people, have the pleasure of serving your own child, enjoy a free lunch, and be able to feel good about helping your school.

Please consider volunteering for the canteen and supporting our Wheeler community. Volunteer timeslots are from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:00pm-2:00pm or you can sign up for both. We especially need your help on our busiest days; Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

If you would like to volunteer, please sign up with the link below

Volunteer Form


We have a fabulous Online ordering system called  Flexischools  click here to see our current menu and to place your orders before 8:30am on the day of the order.

If you miss the 8:30am cut-off time, there is a "Late Lunch Orders" option that allowes you to order a simple sandwich up until 11:30am