What is a P&C Association?
A Parents & Citizens Association is a school-based organisation with membership open to parents, teachers, students and interested citizens. It aims to promote the interests of the school and to assist in providing facilities and equipment.
The P&C is where you find out what's going on at the school. It is the vehicle through which you can have effective input into the direction and quality of your child's education. P&C meetings provide you with the opportunity to liaise with the school principal and staff, and to be involved in the decision making processes relating to the school and its functions. Involvement in the P&C introduces you to other parents, establishes useful networks and often lifelong friends.
Objectives of the P&C
The objectives of the P&C are to maintain and successfully run all committees and to fund raise as actively as possible to enable the P&C to purchase items for the school. Any member of the school community can add an item to the "wish list". The choice of what to purchase from the wish list with P&C funds is done by voting. It is up to the general P&C members to vote accordingly.
When do the P&C Meet?
P&C Meetings
P&C Meetings are usually held on the third Monday of each month in the school staff room starting at 7pm.
All parents and community members are very welcome to attend.
Please always refer to the school newsletter for confirmation and possible change of dates.
Scheduled dates for 2024:
Monday 13 May
Wednesday 19 June
Monday 5 August
Monday 9 September
Monday 28 October
Monday 2 December