Wheeler Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best

Telephone02 9971 8352


Class Parents


Each Class has one or two parents who volunteer to be Class parents.  There are a few 'duties' that are expected of Class parents.

Maintaining a Class Contact List

As Class Parent your first role is to create and maintain a parent/carer contact list for your class.

It should be emailed to: whps.parents@gmail.com

A copy should also be emailed or printed off for the class teacher.

PRIVACY NOTE: Parents & carers are informed that by providing their contact details to the Class
Parent they are providing their consent for those details to be circulated to all others on their
class list, and to the Class Parent Co-ordinator. We request that the contact in these class lists is
kept specifically for school use only, and not distributed to anyone outside of the class. It is not to
be used for any marketing purposes or for forwarding anything other than school information. We
trust that you will respect the privacy of all of our families here at Wheeler Heights Public School.

Organising Class Events & Rosters

Most classes at WHPS require volunteer support from the parent/carer community at some time
during the school year. Co-ordinating these activities within your class is part of the role of the
Class Parent and could include

  • Assisting the teacher with getting volunteers from the class to help with things such as
    reading groups, sharpening pencils, accompanying the class on excursions etc.


  • Organising social events e.g. dinners, class play dates, organising a card for the Teacher's
    Birthday and a gift at the end of the year


  • Assisting the P&C with Fundraising events – each year is allocated a Fundraising task e.g.
    Discos, Easter Eggs, Mothers & Fathers Day Stalls etc.